I am using the microcontroller TMS570LS3137.
I have initialized I2C module in order to use it for write/read an accelerometer´s registers through this interface.
My application needs that TMS MCU transmits a repeated start condition, but I can´t obtain it. Another important aspect is that I2C driver is working over TX and RX Interrupt on SCIOPTA RTOS.
The sequence that I need apply is described below:
1.- MCU to Accelerometer: Generate a Start Condition, indicate accelerometer slave address and indicate R/W bit for a write.
2.- Accelerometer to MCU: Send ACK.
3.- MCU to Accelerometer: Transmit data (address of register to read).
4.- Accelerometer to MCU: Send ACK.
5.- MCU to Accelerometer: Generate a repeated Start Condition, indicate accelerometer salve address, and indicate R/W bit for a read from the previously selected register.
6.- Accelerometer to MCU: Send ACK and data from the requested register.
7.- MCU to Accelerometer: Generate a stop condition.
I don´t know how to generate a “repeated start condition” or “restart condition”.
I would appreciate so much if someone can help me with an example, please.