I used Webench to design a DC/DC converter using LMR62014.
Here are the parameters:
vin 9v min, 14.0v max, Vout 18 v @ 0.25 A.
I ordered the parts exactly as specified by the Webench BOM. Built the board, but just cant get it to work. LMR62014 seems to be overheating.
Parts list :
Cin = 4.7uf,
Rp= 4.7K ( Tried 1 M as well)
Cf=150 pf
I checked the wiring many times and made sure there were no shorts.
I used heavy traces (20 mils) for all traces and a solid ground plane. I tried to place the components as close as possible to the respective pins.
I would appreciate any help I can get.
Thanks, Al