I am having problems running projects. I am using CCS5.4.0 and HALCoGen 3.5.2; I have a TMS570LS3137 board using TI XDS100v2 USB Emulator. I can run the demos just fine. When I add my own project I get the following:
~ In the debug perspective connected to the target and see the following message in the console window: "CortexR4: GEL Output: Memory Map Setup for Flash @ Address 0x0"
~ When I pause the run I see in the Debug window:0x00000004 (no symbols are defined for 0x00000004)
~ In the Disassembly window it seems to be stuck at address 0x00000004 which has no instructions there (all FFFFF's)
It doesn't seem to run the startup generated from HalCoGen.
What did I miss?