Dear Expert,
I installed the sample test_audio.c code for the LCDK6748 in the CCS4 environment. It is the one originally developed for the EVMOMAPL138,
with the modifications found in L138_LCDK-aic3106_init.c.
From the three available synchronization options (EDMA3, Interrupt based, or polling based) I tried the last one with the simplest case of outputting
the sinewave table to the line out port. The test works fine when trying sampling frequencies up to 32kHz. However, when trying the two highest
sampling frequencies (44.1kHz and 48kHz) the emulator always stops at the MCASP test location (i.e. at while (!CHKBIT(MCASP->SRCTL13, XRDY));)
so seemingly some kind of overrun situation. This is quite strange, because when using the highest working sampling frequency of 32kHz, I can
add a rather long delay loop before the same happens for that Fs. No difference when trying the different optimization levels of compiler.
Could the problem be in the slow speed of the emulator (I am using the USB XDS100v2 emulator by Blackhawk). At least I noticed that the test only works
when using the "free run" debug option, not with the breakpoint utilizing "run" debug option.