I've recently updated to CCS 5.3 on Ubuntu 11.10. I've never had problems with CCS on Linux until this point. In an effort to try the TI-RTOS examples that were recently posted, I've also installed the Linux software via the bin provided at http://www.ti.com/tool/ti-rtos . In both cases I've installed to the default directories as su, /opt/ti . The contents of /opt/ti looks like this:
/opt/ti$ ls
bios_5_42_00_07 grace_2_00_01_65 uia_1_01_01_14
bios_6_34_02_18 ipc_1_25_00_04 xdais_7_21_01_07
ccsv5 mcusdk_1_00_01_74 xdctools_3_24_05_48
On startup of CCS 5.3, it detects the new MCUSDK folder and offers to import the resources. After import, it suggests a restart. After restart, the resources fail to appear in the TI Resources Explorer. I can manually add the resources, but I still have a lot of problems with the examples.
Importing any of the LM4F120H5QR examples inevitably results in error:
"See details below...
Unrecognized product of type 'com.ti.rtsc.MCUSDK' is required by project 'LM4F120H5QR_uartconsole' - please install at least one product of this type before building this project."
Description Resource Path Location Type
Invalid project path: Include path not found (/products/ipc_1_24_02_27/packages). LM4F120H5QR_uartconsole pathentry Path Entry Problem
Invalid project path: Include path not found (/products/bios_6_33_04_39/packages). LM4F120H5QR_uartconsole pathentry Path Entry Problem
Invalid project path: Include path not found (/packages). LM4F120H5QR_uartconsole pathentry Path Entry Problem
Invalid project path: Include path not found (/products/StellarisWare_9107). LM4F120H5QR_uartconsole pathentry Path Entry Problem
Invalid project path: Include path not found (/products/xdctools_3_23_05_61/packages). LM4F120H5QR_uartconsole pathentry Path Entry Problem
Invalid project path: Include path not found (/products/uia_1_01_01_14/packages). LM4F120H5QR_uartconsole pathentry Path Entry Problem
Invalid project path: Include path not found (/products/ndk_2_21_01_38/packages). LM4F120H5QR_uartconsole pathentry Path Entry Problem
In the project, I cam manually try to work around this by providing the paths. It seems that the system-wide COM_TI_RTSC_MCUDSK_INSTALL_DIR is not specified, which is a prefix to these missing paths above.
Am I missing a step here? Is there a proper way to resolve these issue? Is it best to install these items as su to /opt/ti?