We use the LM92 to report the temperature to a PIC microcontroller via I2C once per second. Sometimes, in some environments, the LM92 will go crazy and report a very high temperature, and lock in that state. For example, after working correctly reporting temperatures around 37 degrees C every second for 2 weeks, it will report a temperature such as 216.9 degrees C and then lock in that state, reporting 216.9 for all subsequent requests. When the device is powered off and back on, normal operation resumes.
Is this a known phenomenon with spikes of too much electrical noise? We'd like to find a robust solution. Yes, the sensor has a 0.1uF cap on its 5vdc power supply right next to it. We are using the LM92 in a non-standard way (via a wire to it's own PCB), and if it would be possible for a LM92 expert to call me by telephone to discuss this, I would be happy to update this forum with the results of the discussion, but I think trying to describe everything else and answer all of your questions will be time consuming and laborious in the forum and we can make a lot more progress in a 5 minute phone call. I can be reached at 310-441-3767 after noon, Pacific time.
I think this is an important issue because it can cause critical device failures.