After I changed the tick period in the clock module (default is 1000), the UART will no longer work. I guess UART transmission use the timer that clock module use. However, I can't find the information or configuration file that set up the baud rate of the UART.
1. How do I find out which timer/clock that UART use and the baud rate configuration.
2. Can I have 2 clock module (not instance). Say, clock module 1 use timer 1, that has tick period 1000us, which has clock1_0 and clock1_1 instance. and clock module 2 that has tick period of 741us which has clock2_0 and clock2_1 instance.
Hardware : Stellaris Launchpad (M4F120).
CCS : 5.4.
TI-RTOS : 1.10.