I am using a custom board based around an OMAP-L138. I have a pull down resistor on TRST and a pull up on RESETn. When the board powers on, it does a power on reset and latches the boot pins (I can confirm this by connecting with my JTAG and looking at the SYSCFG0 register). The DSP then comes out of RESET. I would then expect it to wake the ARM core and follow the steps laid out in this wiki:
However, after I power on, I connect to the DSP and use the debug GEL script and I notice that the DSP did not wake up the ARM. When I manually wake the ARM from a GEL file I can view its registers. If I run any GEL scripts on the ARM core, the ARM seems to go into reset again and I get 0x0BAD0BAD in all of the memory locations. After this, if I run the debug GEL on the DSP core, it says the ARM is powered on. If I try to reconnect to the ARM core after this, CCS crashes and restarts my computer for me (how nice of it...). My suspicion is that the DSP bootloader is bad, or the ARM is being woken up on power up but is going into RESET for some reason. Has anyone seen similar behavior before?