I would like to use the UPP port to receive 12-bit ADC data from an external ADC device. The ADC will provide the Data_Frame, Data_Clock and D[11:0] data to interface the UPP port.
In this case, I think I can just use the CHA_Start, CHA_Clock, and D[15:4] to implement the interface to ADC and configure the UPP CHA port in receive mode only. And also, in my design, I don't want to use CHA_Enable, CHA_Wait, and D[3:0] because I want to use them for other purpose such as GPIO.
I have following questions to which you may have answers.
1). Is my implementation a proper configuration? Do I need to connect the ADC 12-bit data to the least significant 12 bits of UPP data port rather than connecting them to the most significant 12 bits of UPP data port.
2). Since I don't want to use CHA_Enable, CHA_Wait, and D[3:0] to interface my ADC device,I will disable CHA_Enable using ENAx bit in UPICR.
When the CHA_Enable is disabled, does it mean the CHA channel is going to be always enabled internally?
Becasue the UPP will be in a receive mode, I wonder if I still need to disable the CHA_Wait using Waitx bit in UPICR. Maybe I don't need to disable the CHA_wait,but just need to repurpose this pin to an GPIO that I want. What's the right way to do it?