I'm using Grace 2.0 with CCS 5.3. installed on Windows 8 64bit
within the Timer0 ISR I would like to increment a counter which is defined in a user defined header file (main.h). When I include this header file in the "InterruptVectors_init.c" file the compiler complains that it cannot find the "main.h" file. I have specifically included the directory in the search path for the build options, yet to no avail.
Is there some special place where I should be declaring the search path for #include statements that Grace uses for the InterruptVectors_init.c compilations?
Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a new empty MSP430 CCS Grace 2.0 project
2) Enable Timer0 and click the "Capture/compare interrupt enable 0" checkmark in the "Basic User" mode
3) Create a new "main.h" header file in the main Project Directory
4) Right click on the project and select “properties”
5) Add the Project Directory into the search path under Build->MSP430 Compiler->Include Options
6) Open "InterruptVectors_init.c" and insert #include "main.h" in the /* User defined includes, defines, global variables and functions */ section.
7) Build the project and notice the following error: "could not open source file "main.h" -> InterruptVectors_init.c /test3/src/grace line 23 C/C++
Thanks in advance for your help.