Hi All
I am working on BeagleBone to display sample image on HDMI screen with no OS. For this i have bought BeagleBone DVI-D cape(Rev A3).
I got starterware "AM335X_StarterWare_02_00_00_07" from TI link, But this starterware has rasterdisplay.c for LCD3 cape and LCD7 cape.
I have tried with another AM335xSDK which i have got from following link
" https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxhc21hdG1lZ2Fwcm9ncmFtaW5nfGd4OjE4NGVjZDE1YWM0ZTczZDI"
From code I have observed this SDK also has support for LCD3 cape and LCD7 cape, But with this SDK, I observed some "frequency out of range" message on HDMI screen(Connected to BeagleBone).
Is there any starterware for displaying a sample image on HDMI screen with BeagleBone DVI-D cape????????