I am using the TSW 1400 EVM to collect data from an ADS6445 clocked at 100 Mhz. I am currently controlling the TSW1400 using a modified version of the Matlab example with the DLLs. The problem I am having is that when I want to take .3 seconds (3E7 samples per channel) worth of data (all 4 channels) and save to a .csv, it takes a really long time for the TSW1400 and HSDC pro software to process. Nearly 30 minutes. I need to be able to do this in less than a minute. I realize that the HSDC pro software does more than just deserialize the data. It is also doing all of the calculations on the left side of the GUI (SNR, SFDR, THD, ect.) and plotting the data. I am not interested in all of the extra calculations and plotting. I just want to collect, deserialize, and save the data so I can open and process the data as I wish in MatLab. I have several questions on this issue.
1) Should the HSDC pro take so long to process this amount of data? What is the slow part? How long does the deserialization part take?
2) Is there a way to disable all of the unwanted calculation features?
3) Any suggestions on how to make this faster? Is there another part that would be more appropriate?
4) Can I send the data straight from the ADS6445 to MatLab, micro-controller, or a DSP and deserialize the data myself?
5) I also have the TSW1405 in which the firmware for the FPGA is provided (I think). Could I use this to just collect, deserialize and send this data to MatLab?
6) A.lso, when the HSDC pro saves the .csv file (using the Matlab commands to control it) it saves 8 channels worth of data (4 used channels and 4 channels worth of zeros. Is there a way to not save the last unused channels?
Any other suggestion would be appreciated.