I’m having a problem with the I2C bus using TI’s TMS320(2809). The setup uses 3x I2C slave devices (2xtemperature, 1temp/humidity) connected to the I2C which are mastered by the 2809. After some time (5-15min) the SDA line latches (to low) in the middle of the sensor communication. I have a few scope print-outs which show the moment of the latch up. The 2809 then indicates an ‘Arbitration’-error leaving the SDA line latched to low and stops the SCL clock line immediately.
I wonder if there are any means that the 2809 can force the SDA line to go high again (apart from power cycling the device). A watchdog reset in that case did not release SDA line.
I’d appreciate any help on the issue.
kind regards