I use this routine PA_emacExample_exampleProject. I can receive packets that match the MAC address / IP address / port number.
But I can not receive broadcast packets. Later, I know because I did not add the broadcast MAC.
I added broadcast MAC with the following piece of code:
Int32 Add_BroadcastMACAddress (Void)
Int32 j;
UInt16 cmdSize;
Qmss_Queue cmdReplyQInfo;
paEthInfo_t ethInfo;
paRouteInfo_t routeInfo;
paRouteInfo_t nFailInfo;
paCmdReply_t cmdReplyInfo;
paReturn_t retVal;
paEntryHandle_t retHandle;
Int32 handleType, cmdDest;
UInt32 psCmd = ((UInt32)(4 << 5) << 24);
UInt32 myswinfo[] = {0x11112222, 0x33334444};
Cppi_HostDesc* pHostDesc;
Qmss_Queue rxQInfo;
ethInfo.src[0] = 0x00;
ethInfo.src[1] = 0x00;
ethInfo.src[2] = 0x00;
ethInfo.src[3] = 0x00;
ethInfo.src[4] = 0x00;
ethInfo.src[5] = 0x00;
ethInfo.dst[0] = 0xFF;
ethInfo.dst[1] = 0xFF;
ethInfo.dst[2] = 0xFF;
ethInfo.dst[3] = 0xFF;
ethInfo.dst[4] = 0xFF;
ethInfo.dst[5] = 0xFF;
ethInfo.vlan = 0;
ethInfo.ethertype = 0;
ethInfo.mplsTag = 0;
ethInfo.inport = 0;
// rxQInfo = Qmss_getQueueNumber(gRxQHnd);
routeInfo.dest = pa_DEST_HOST;
routeInfo.flowId = 0;
routeInfo.queue = 0;//rxQInfo.qNum;
routeInfo.mRouteIndex = 0;
routeInfo.swInfo0 = 0;
routeInfo.swInfo1 = 0;
routeInfo.customType = 0;
routeInfo.customIndex = 0;
routeInfo.pktType_emacCtrl = 0;
routeInfo.pCmd = NULL;
nFailInfo.dest = pa_DEST_DISCARD;
nFailInfo.flowId = 0;
nFailInfo.queue = 0;
nFailInfo.mRouteIndex = pa_NO_MULTI_ROUTE;
nFailInfo.swInfo0 = 0;
nFailInfo.swInfo1 = 0;
nFailInfo.customType = 0;
nFailInfo.customIndex = 0;
nFailInfo.pktType_emacCtrl = 0;
nFailInfo.pCmd = NULL;
cmdReplyInfo.dest = pa_DEST_HOST;
cmdReplyInfo.replyId = 0;
cmdReplyInfo.queue = 0;
cmdReplyInfo.flowId = 0;
/* Get a Tx free descriptor to send a command to the PA PDSP */
if ((pHostDesc = Qmss_queuePop (gTxFreeQHnd)) == NULL)
System_printf ("Error obtaining a Tx free descriptor \n");
return -1;
/* The descriptor address returned from the hardware has the
* descriptor size appended to the address in the last 4 bits.
* To get the true descriptor pointer, always mask off the last
* 4 bits of the address.
pHostDesc = (Ptr) ((UInt32) pHostDesc & 0xFFFFFFF0);
/* Populate the Rx free descriptor with the fixed command buffer. */
Cppi_setData (Cppi_DescType_HOST, (Cppi_Desc *)pHostDesc, (UInt8 *)Convert_CoreLocal2GlobalAddr((UInt32)gPaCmdBuf1), sizeof
/* Save original buffer information */
Cppi_setOriginalBufInfo (Cppi_DescType_HOST, (Cppi_Desc *)pHostDesc, (UInt8 *)Convert_CoreLocal2GlobalAddr((UInt32)gPaCmdBuf1), sizeof
cmdSize = pHostDesc->buffLen;
cmdReplyInfo.replyId = 0x33333333; /* unique for each add mac command */
/* Get the PA response queue number and populate the destination queue number
* in the PA response configuration.
cmdReplyQInfo = Qmss_getQueueNumber (gPaCfgCmdRespQHnd);
cmdReplyInfo.queue = cmdReplyQInfo.qNum;
cmdReplyInfo.flowId = (uint8_t)Cppi_getFlowId(gRxFlowHnd);
retVal = Pa_addMac (gPAInstHnd,
(paCmd_t) pHostDesc->buffPtr,
if (retVal != pa_OK)
System_printf ("Pa_addMac returned error %d\n", retVal);
return -1;
/* This sets the extended info for descriptors, and this is required so PS info
* goes to the right spot
Cppi_setSoftwareInfo (Cppi_DescType_HOST, (Cppi_Desc *)pHostDesc, (UInt8 *)myswinfo);
/* Set the buffer length to the size used. It will be restored when the descriptor
* is returned
Cppi_setPacketLen (Cppi_DescType_HOST, (Cppi_Desc *)pHostDesc, cmdSize);
pHostDesc->buffLen = cmdSize;
/* Mark the packet as a configuration packet */
Cppi_setPSData (Cppi_DescType_HOST, (Cppi_Desc *)pHostDesc, (UInt8 *)&psCmd, 4);
/* Send the command to the PA and wait for the return */
Qmss_queuePush (gPaTxQHnd[cmdDest - pa_CMD_TX_DEST_0],
/* Poll on the PA response queue to see if response from PA has come */
for (j = 0; j < 100; j++)
CycleDelay (1000);
if (Qmss_getQueueEntryCount (gPaCfgCmdRespQHnd) > 0)
/* We have a response from PA PDSP for the command we submitted earlier for
* MAC address addition.
pHostDesc = Qmss_queuePop (gPaCfgCmdRespQHnd);
/* Clear the size bytes */
pHostDesc = (Ptr) ((UInt32) pHostDesc & 0xFFFFFFF0);
if (pHostDesc->softwareInfo0 != cmdReplyInfo.replyId)
System_printf ("Found an entry in PA response queue with swinfo0 = 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x\n",
pHostDesc->softwareInfo0, cmdReplyInfo.replyId);
pHostDesc->buffLen = pHostDesc->origBufferLen;
Qmss_queuePush (gRxFreeQHnd, pHostDesc, pHostDesc->buffLen, SIZE_HOST_DESC, Qmss_Location_TAIL);
return -1;
retVal = Pa_forwardResult (gPAInstHnd, (Ptr)pHostDesc->buffPtr, &retHandle, &handleType, &cmdDest);
if (retVal != pa_OK)
System_printf ("PA sub-system rejected Pa_addMac command\n");
return -1;
/* Reset the buffer lenght and put the descriptor back on the Tx free queue */
pHostDesc->buffLen = pHostDesc->origBufferLen;
Qmss_queuePush (gRxFreeQHnd, pHostDesc, pHostDesc->buffLen, SIZE_HOST_DESC, Qmss_Location_TAIL);
if (j == 100)
System_printf ("Timeout waiting for reply from PA to Pa_addMac command\n");
return -1;
return 0;
However, when receiving broadcast packets, the interrupt function does not respond。
I think that the packets has not yet triggered the interrupt.Packet is filtered out in the PA.
My purpose is very simple:
1、Normally,receiving the packets whose MAC address /IP address / port number match the MAC address/IP address/ port number stored in PA .
2、When the received packet is a broadcast packet, then it is routed directly to the host.
How can I modify the PA_emacExample_exampleProject routine to acchieve this target.
thank you!