I'm trying to use H.264 BP encoder for C66x (version on C6678 evm.
I used this codec on C64+ in the past and now I work on migration to C66x platform
I don't use SYS/BIOS and RTSC in the project
As I understand this library uses ECPY external library for EDMA implementation.
When I tried to link it with my project I saw many undefined symbols from ecpy library. Then I added the following library:
But I still get the following linkage error:
undefined first referenced
symbol in file
--------- ----------------
ECPY_CFG_PARAMS /opt/ti/framework_components_3_20_02_29/packages/ti/sdo/fc/ecpy/lib/release/ecpy.ae674<ecpy_impl.oe674>
First of all I wanted to ask for some documentation about this connection and interface between h264 encoder library and ecpy library and what actions should I do in order to make it work: define and fill structures, initialize edma, etc.
Which ecpy library should I use? In the H.264 encoder sample application (which by the way requires many changes in order to be compiled on linux) I saw ecpy.ae674 usage.
Is it complatible with c66?
Whats the differences in edma initialization that I should do?
Who is responsible for edma initialization in the framework and how can it be done?
As I understand there is another library called RMAN than can manage it. Can I use my own code that manage edma channels instead?
Oleg Fomenko