I've a working application to which I want to add a timer, so I included timer.h and added a call to TimerConfigure();
As soon as that call is in my code (at the top of main() ), the application stops working and I get the following output in the debugger:
No source available for "_Application_1_Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator_0/C674X_0_Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator_0/C674X_0_stack_frame_0"
There are no warnings or errors in the compiler output.
Removing that single call makes the app run fine again.
If I include delay.h (and not timer.h) and use the delay functions provided by StarterWare, then everything works fine, including the timer needed for the delay functions!
Why won't my app start if I include a call to TimerConfigure directly?
Thanks in advance.
Remco Poelstra