I study http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/SYS/BIOS_for_the_28x , but I still some questions:
1: We know, one hard timer has to be as sys tick timer for SYS BIOS, whatever CLOCK or Timer Module is selected or not. which one timer is default for this purpose?
if I don't use CLOCK Module, but I want to use Timer module, how many timer instants can be newed? two or three?
2:While I select CLOCK module and new two instant clock0 and clock1,time Id is ANY; and I also select timer Module and only one instant timer0 can be newed. if you new a instant such like timer1, an error will occur" no available timers.
From http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/SYS/BIOS_for_the_28x, we know clock module will use one hardware timer,and timerstamp can share clock timer, but it is better a stand alone timer for timerstamp because clock timer is for sys tick, so it is low accurate for timerstamp.
but if timestamp module is not selected, why I can't new instant timer1? one hardware timer will be reserved for timerstamp provider?
So, in summary, whatever CLOCK or TIMESTAMP Modules are enabled or not in my 28335 project, only one timer instant can be newed. why?