Hello to everybody,
I'm new to TI products and I'm currently using CC3000EM together with MSP-EXP430FG4618 board. In the Wiki page dedicated to older service pack (http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC3000_Wi-Fi_Downloads1.9) I've found the useful sample application called CC3000+MSP-EXP430FG4618 Basic Wi-Fi Application and so now I'm trying to modify and adapt it to my needs.
I've noticed (if I am not wrong) that this application has a Release Package number which is and so the correct Service Pack Version to be burn on the CC3000 EEPROM is 1.5 . I'm quite confused about the issue of patch programming, in particular I have the following questions:
1) Which is the easiest way in order to program the EEPROM memory of CC3000 with the correct Service Pack according to the devices I'm currently using?
2)Which is the link in the TI website which provides the files (Service Pack 1.5) to burn in the CC3000 memory?
Thank you very much for your help and your support.
Best Regards,
Demaria Mario