I'll appreciate if anyboday can look at this issue for me.
DM8148 EVM with the lasted SDK ezsdk_5_05_02_00_dm814x, the video capture by gst-launch dosn't work. I tried many gst-launch v4l2src xx with video format fourcc YUY2, always get output like: GstV4l2Src:v4l2src0: Could not negotiate forma. If change the format fourcc to something else like GRAY, error will be: WARNING: erroneous pipeline: could not link v4l2src0 to omxbasectrl.
Firmware call in load-hd-firmware.sh under /etc/init.d, the line to load v4l2 firmware like:
firmware_loader $HDVPSS_ID /usr/share/ti/ti-media-controller-utils/dm814x_hdvpss_v4l2.xem3 start -i2c 0
And at the bootup phase, get some error like:
Loading HDVPSS Firmware (V412)
FIRMWARE: Memory map bin file not passed
Usage : firmware_loader <Processor Id> <Location of Firmware> <start|stop> [-mmap <memory_map_file>] [-i2c <0|1>]
===Mandatory arguments===
<Processor Id> 0: DSP, 1: Video-M3, 2: Vpss-M3
<Location of Firmware> firmware binary file
<start|stop> to start/stop the firmware
===Optional arguments===
-mmap input memory map bin file name
-i2c 0: i2c init not done by M3, 1(default): i2c init done by M3
FIRMWARE: isI2cInitRequiredOnM3: 0
FIRMWARE: Default memory configuration is used
Firmware Loader debugging not configured
Default FL_DEBUG: warning
Allowed FL_DEBUG levels: error, warning, info, debug, log
MemCfg: DCMM (Dynamically Configurable Memory Map) Version :
FIRMWARE: 2 start Successful
VPSS_FVID2: M3 firmware version 0x1000145 is newer,driver may not work properly.
omap_i2c omap_i2c.3: timeout waiting for bus ready
I2C: Transfer failed at vps_ti814x_select_video_decoder 188 with error code: -110
Configuring fb0 to LCD
HDMI W1 rev 4.0
HDMI CEC Spec version 1.2
I2C No Ack
Please advise!