So this actually came through my customer; but it's totally a tools issue that I can only agree with in that I reproduced it; but as to why is a mystery. So the question, pretty much unaltered, goes like this:
Does not work:
static const uint8_t arr_0[] = {0x00, 0x11};
static const uint8_t arr_1[] = {0x22, 0x33};
static const uint8_t * arr_arr[] = { arr_0, arr_1 };
worker_func( arr_1 ); //works
worker_func( arr_arr[1]); //does not work (erratic results, should behave the same as the line above)
Does work:
static const uint8 arr_0[] = {0x00, 0x11};
static const uint8 arr_1[] = {0x22, 0x33};
static const int arr_arr[] = {(int)arr_0, (int)arr_1 };
worker_func( arr_1 ); //works
worker_func((uint8 *)arr_arr[1]); //works (identical behavior to line above)
So it seems we have to explicitly cast the "array of arrays" as a uint8_t pointer on the function call; which shouldn't be required per standard C. Any ideas why?