I burn uboot.min.nand to Nand Flash by prebuild image nand-flash-writer.out ,show error message:Verify failed. Attempting to clear page.
then I build a nand-flash-writer.out by CCS5.2 IDE,when I burn uboot.min.nand to Nand Flash,show same error :Verify failed. Attempting to clear page.
My board is DM8148 EVM
OS : Windows xp service Pack 3
CCS : v5.2
Simulator: Ashling Opella-XDS100v2
Dm8148 board's S1 be set all 0s
SW2.1 is ON
[CortexA8] Starting NETRA NAND writer
[CortexA8] ----------------------
[CortexA8] ----------------------
[CortexA8] Device ID : 0xca
[CortexA8] Manufacture ID : 0x2c
[CortexA8] Page Size : 2048 Bytes
[CortexA8] Spare Size : 64 Bytes
[CortexA8] Pages_Per_Block : 64
[CortexA8] Number_of_Blocks : 2048
[CortexA8] Device_width : 2 Byte
[CortexA8] DeviceSize : 256 MB
[CortexA8] Setting the ECC scheme
[CortexA8] Set the BCH 8 bit ECC scheme .... done
[CortexA8] Preparing to Flash image ....
[CortexA8] Opening image ... done.
[CortexA8] Erasing Required Blocks [start = 0, count = 1]...[CortexA8] Done
[CortexA8] Flashing image ...
[CortexA8] Number of blocks needed for header and data: 0x1
[CortexA8] Attempting to start write in block number 0x0.
[CortexA8] Writing image data to Block 0 Page0x0
[CortexA8] Verify failed. Attempting to clear page
[CortexA8] Attempting to start write in block number 0x1.
[CortexA8] Writing image data to Block 1 Page0x0
[CortexA8] Verify failed. Attempting to clear page
please help me
Thank in advance