I been using the MSP430F2274 microcontroller for serval projects now at work.
What I would like to do is add the FTDI FT2232H dual channel to my custom pcb with the MSP430. It would be great to have my VCP data coming out on one channel and have JTAG progrommaming and debug on the other channel. Then all my communcations would be on one connector and cable to the PC.
The FTDI A-channel config to JTAG and the B-channel to Serial RS232.
Bench hardware i'm using in testing is: MSP-TS430DA38 and FT2232H MINI MODULE
The data sheets for the FTDI says it has the have JTAG options to use.
I have the RS232 side working, with data coming out of the UART to USB. The data is displayed in hyper terminal.
My questions are:
Is wiring TCK, TDO, TDI, TMS one to one, or do I need to cross any of the pins?
Do i need to add the MSP430 reset pin to the FTDI?
In Code Composer Studio v5, How do I select the FTDI to use as my programmer/debugger? Drivers, DLL?
Which mode of the FTDI chip should i use for JTAG?
Thank you