I am trying to understand which is the correct offset for interrupts (for example Timer0_A3 should be 0FFF2h.
The msp430g2553.h file has:
ifdef __ASM_HEADER__ /* Begin #defines for assembler */
#define TIMER0_A0_VECTOR ".int09" /* 0xFFF2 Timer0_A CC0 */
#define TIMER0_A0_VECTOR (9 * 1u) /* 0xFFF2 Timer0_A CC0 */
/*#define TIMER0_A0_ISR(func) ISR_VECTOR(func, ".int09") */ /* 0xFFF2 Timer0_A CC0 */ /* CCE V2 Style */
The offset is vector address is 0FFE0 the following was found on the internet
* Interrupt Vectors (offset from 0xFFE0)
#define PORT1_VECTOR (2 * 2u) /* 0xFFE4 Port 1 */
#define PORT2_VECTOR (3 * 2u) /* 0xFFE6 Port 2 */
#define USI_VECTOR (4 * 2u) /* 0xFFE8 USI */
#define ADC10_VECTOR (5 * 2u) /* 0xFFEA ADC10 */
#define TIMERA1_VECTOR (8 * 2u) /* 0xFFF0 Timer A CC1, TA */
#define TIMERA0_VECTOR (9 * 2u) /* 0xFFF2 Timer A CC0 */
#define WDT_VECTOR (10 * 2u) /* 0xFFF4 Watchdog Timer */
#define NMI_VECTOR (14 * 2u) /* 0xFFFC Non-maskable */
#define RESET_VECTOR (15 * 2u) /* 0xFFFE Reset [Highest Priority] */
The internet offset (9*2u) makes sense but the msp430g2553.h file works I am so Confused 0FFE0 + 18 (0012h) = 0FFF2 not ( 0FFFEh +9)