Hello everyone,
I'm using Beagleboard-xM Rev C, Linux kernel, Angstrom distibution. "u-boot" loads kernel from NFS and kernel mounts NFS root. My network configuration is OK and I can boot Linux kernel. For network setup I followed this link: http://veter-project.blogspot.com/2012/03/comfortable-kernel-workflow-on.html
Now, I want to insert HID module into my kernel but I have few problems:
- I added "HID Gadget" as a module in menuconfig (Device drivers ---> USB Support ---> USB Gadget Support ---> [M] HID Gadget). I built my kernel and modules on the host computer (Linux Ubuntu 12.10) with this instruction: cross make -j5 uImage modules. Everythig passed without errors and I got g_hid.ko in "/linux/drivers/usb/gadget/" folder. After that I installed modules in "/lib/modules/" with: sudo_cross make -j5 modules_install. There is g_hid.ko in "/lib/modules/" folder but when I tried to insert module I got an error. insmod returns me an error something like: insmod: error inserting 'g_hid.ko': -1 No such device. I can't figured out why... lsmod returns me an empty list, but that's expected because lsmod returns a list of loaded modules.
- When I built modules directly on the Beagleboard-xM Rev C with GCC compiler downloaded from "www.angstrom-distribution.org" with "opkg install xxxxxx" feature, I got from lsmod only one module in the list "twl4030_pwrbutton". Of course, I built modules on the board with make ARCH=arm modules and then make ARCH=arm modules_install. Still I have g_hid.ko in "/lib/modules/" folder but I can't get my g_hid.ko module in lsmod.
I need quick answer... Please help me.
Any suggestion would be appriciated...
Best regards,