I am using the Stellaris Cortex M3 LM3S6965.
I will be interfacing the microcontroller thru the ethernet port. (Windows program has not been written) I plan on using C#.
I am taking two ADC measurments, 1000 samples per second on two parrellel ADC ports. (Thats 2000 data points).
I am looking for sugestions on how to configure this.
(My first thought) Set up a software FIFO that can be used to stuff data into. Then when the Windows program comes along and reads the FIFO it can be cleared and the controller countiues to stuff the FIFO. (I am not sure how to impliment this yet) How do I handle FIFO overflow if not reading out the data?
(My second thought) Setup a table to store the data and read the table from the ethernet port. This means that I need to write to and clear flash. I believe this will be to hard on the flash because I will be passing 2000 bytes of data every second.
I don't have external FIFO on the PCB.
How often will the windows program access the controller? unknown as the program has not been written, so it really depends on how often I have to access the controller.
Ideas please!