I am using a MSP430F168 processor (Master) to download code into another MSP430F168 (Slave) via the BSL. I have followed the instructions given in document # slau 319e. I exercise the TCK and RST/NMI pins as shown in the diagram (Fig. 1.3-2), using a simple piece of code, in a step by step manner, i.e. when I issue a command from the PC via an HyperTerminal on UART0, the two lines are pulled high or low. (I can see that correctly on those pins). However, this simple arrangement is for testing the BSL startup and there may be multiple seconds gap between pulling RST down and TCK down or up as required.
Now, when I send code hex 80 to start the synchronization I get hex FC instead of hex 90 (Sec. 2.1). Repeating the sequence sometimes results in no response from the slave. Is there a max time restriction between these level changes ?
The master RXD and TXD are connected to pins 13 and 22 resp. of the slave. The slave power is 3V VDD. What can be wrong ? Any help would be appreciated.
Bhal Tulpule