We have a design using LM10010+TPS56121 as the CVDD power supply of C6678s as the reference design of PMP7256.But the ouput voltage of TPS56121 is 1.1v,much higher than design using UCD9222+UCD7242.and we have check the four VCNTL pins of c6678,It is exactly different from one C6678 device to the next,and the most important thing is that there are two DSPs which sent out 111111 through the VCNTL pins,and the output voltage of TPS56121 is 1.125V(not 1.103V as described in page 77 of sprabi2b.pdf ).I am confused what can determine the output of the VCNTL pins.Is there something wrong with the DSPs or the cricuit external cricuit of the LM10010 and TPS56121?
Best regards!