I'm using CCS version 5.3 and MSP430F169 micro. I'm trying to load a custom bootloader and main application program into memory using the debugger. I need to use interrupts in both the bootloader and main application so I've remapped as follows.
Bootloader reset/int vectors 0xFFFF - 0xFFE0
Bootloader program code 0xFFDF - 0xD800
Main reset/int vectors 0xD7FF - 0xD7E0
Main program code 0xD7DF - 0x1100
For both projects I've altered the Debug Configrations->Target->Download Options to be "Erase and download necessary segments only. To prevent the debugger from erasing the entire contents of flash.
I then program the main application code first and then the BSL program. When running the debugger I can't step through the code? When I look at the flash contents I can see both programs are in code? Note in the linker script files I've only changed the FLASH and RESET/INT vectors to the appropriate locations and sizes. Is there something I'm missing?
My goal for this exercise would be to have both programs loaded with the main reset vector pointing to the BSL and executing first and then jumping to the main application code. I'm planning on having the BSL own the reset and interrupt vectors and having it re-route interrupt requests depending on which program is currently executing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.