Hi -
I find that just setting HAL_UART = TRUE is enough to create a steady 2.5ma drain, even if I never initialize or open a UART. (This is for the CC2540 in simpleBLEPeripheral and derivatives. You have to tweak HAL_key.c a little to remove an interrupt conflict.)
My application generally requires less than 1 second of UART activity per day, and it seems there must be a way to kill this extra 2+ ma, when it's known there can't be any UART activity at all, until after the next connection starts hours in the future.
I have gotten my application to where it does everything I need, and limits the 8ma needed during actual UART operation to a few 20 millisecond bursts during that 1 second of contact. But there's still a continuous background consumption of about 2.5ma that's there 24/7, because I simple said "UART".
Is there a solution to this?
Thanks for any thoughts / help.