I am writing a simple application in which application running on PC is sending a 100 byte of data to CC3000 and once CC3000 receives this 100 byte of data then it will send back 100 byte to application running on PC.
Here is the code for receiving and sending a data on Host Microcontroller :
(Please visit the site to view this file)
And in the PC side there is one thread which will keep on calling beginreceive API to receive a data from CC3000, but after sending a 100 byte of data from PC, it does not get any data back from CC3000 and when I debug the code then I can see the control is already out of while loop of send MSG, and this data never get lost but when I send a next 100 byte of data from PC then this data comes to PC, sometime it comes with missed data and current data pkt and sometime it comes with only missing data.
What could be the possible reason of it?
In the above scenario after sending a 100 byte I will wait for some time before sending a next pkt from PC-CC3000, but if I will send a data without any delay from PC then CC300 stops responding and get stuck in recv API call in simplelinkwaitevent.
Is there any limit on receiving a data on CC3000, cant we send a large MSG like 1500-2000 from PC to CC3000 over TCP/IP.
See the traces taken by me for TCP communication :
(Please visit the site to view this file)