I want to usethe FFTalgorithm from C67xDSPLIBlibrary. I work on DSP core of OMAP-L137 processor.
I chosefunction: void DSPF_sp_cfftr2_dit (float * x, float * w, short n),
x - pointer to complex data input.
w - Pointer to complex twiddle factor in bit-reverse order.
n - Length of FFT in complex samples, power of 2 such that n ≥32 and n<=32K.
SPRU657.pdfsays how to use it:
void main(void)
gen_w_r2(w, N); // Generate coefficient table
bit_rev(w, N>>1); // Bit−reverse coefficient table
DSPF_sp_cfftr2_dit(x, w, N);
// input in normal order, output in
// order bit−reversed
// coefficient table in bit−reversed
// order
Buthow to preparethe x andw.Whatmathematical operations(functions)should be used.
I havesamples froman ADC converter and what must I do toreplace them tovectorsx andw?