Part Number: TDA2SX
Tool/software: Linux
Hello all,
We are working on a custom board based on tda2sx.We are trying to interface tlv320aic34 to mcasp4 and mcasp7.We made the pinmux and other configuration on the device tree.While booting we are getting this error and mcasp realted inititialization is crashing.
clock: dpll_abe_ck failed transition to 'locked'
clock: dpll_abe_ck failed transition to 'locked'
We did some investigation and noticed that mcasp uses dpll_abe clk.On further investiagtion we found that dpll_abe is generated from sysclk2.In our custom board sysclk2 crystal osc is not mounted.How I can make dpll_abe use sysclk1 instead?Which files should i modify?
SDK version:3.07
Murugan S