I am using this chip MSP430F6638IPZR. I have a board on which this chip can be mounted and programmed. There is also a MSP430 USB-Debug-Interface MSP-FET430UIF. I know that the maximum software configurable supply voltage that this USB-Debug-Interface can handle is between 1.8 V to 3.6 V at 100 mA. I am trying to work with a sample program from the Texas instruments folder list. The code is as follows:
// MSP430F66x Demo - ADC12, Using the Internal Reference
// Description: This example shows how to use the internal reference of REF
// module using the ADC12 control registers.
// The ADC12 uses the internal 2.5V reference and performs a single conversion
// on channel A0. The conversion results are stored in ADC12MEM0. Test by
// applying a voltage to channel A0, then setting and running to a break point
// at the "__no_operation()" instruction. To view the conversion results,
// open an ADC12 register window in debugger and view the contents of ADC12MEM0
// MSP430F66x
// -----------------
// /|\| |
// | | |
// --|RST |
// | |
// Vin -->|P6.0/CB0/A0 |
// | |
// Priya Thanigai
// Texas Instruments Inc.
// Nov 2009
// Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 4.20 & Code Composer Studio V4.0
void main(void)
volatileunsignedint i;
WDTCTL = WDTPW+WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
P6SEL |= 0x01; // Enable A/D channel A0
REFCTL0 &= ~REFMSTR; // Reset REFMSTR to hand over control to
// ADC12_A ref control registers
// Turn on ADC12, Sampling time
// On Reference Generator and set to
// 2.5V
ADC12CTL1 = ADC12SHP; // Use sampling timer
ADC12MCTL0 = ADC12SREF_1; // Vr+=Vref+ and Vr-=AVss
for ( i=0; i<0x30; i++); // Delay for reference start-up
ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12ENC; // Enable conversions
while (1)
ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12SC; // Start conversion
while (!(ADC12IFG & BIT0));
__no_operation(); // SET BREAKPOINT HERE
The above code says that the ADC12 uses the internal 2.5 V reference and performs a single conversion on channel A0 and we can test it by applying a voltage to channel A0. Now my doubt is, what is the voltage range that can be applied to channel A0??? I mean what is the range of voltage that this chip can perform Analog to Digital Conversion on ??????
Thanks in advance :)