i'm trying to port the fatfs 0.09b library to my launchpad. After that i want to write files on the sdcard in spi mode.
what i did und what works until now.:
I used the example sd_card from the lm4f232 launchpad an ported it to my launchpad. i connected a mmc card socket to the board and it worked!
But i want to use the newer fatfs 0.09b because ti provides only 0.04a. I replaced the ff.c ff.h intiger.h from the old 0.04a with the newer one from 0.0.9b and added the ffconf.h. The changed the code from diskio.h and diskio.c for the new files.
But now i have the linker error:
unresolved symbol f_printf, first referenced in ./sd_card.obj sd_card C/C++ Problem
in the attechment is my ccs project.