Hi everyone.
I used the mcasp and EDMA for audio receive and transmit.Here are my source code and some ccs5.2 console messages:
EDMA driver initialization PASS.
Entry the X3107_Mcasp_Task
Waiting for CODEC ready.
Waiting for CODEC Operation CODEC have already initialize.
Entry the createStreams function.
Stream_create(inStream) returned status = 0
Stream_create(outStream) returned status = 0
Entry the prime function.
Exit the prime function.
NEXT:Entry the I/O operation.
This is the 0 loop before operation.
This is the 0 loop after operation.
This is the 1 loop before operation.
Then it hungs up.....at the second loop.
#include <xdc/std.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/io/GIO.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/io/iom.h>
#include <xdc/runtime/Memory.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/heaps/HeapMem.h>
#include <xdc/runtime/IHeap.h>
#include <xdc/runtime/Error.h>
#include <xdc/runtime/Log.h>
#include <xdc/runtime/System.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h>
#include <include/Mcasp.h>
#include <include/edma3_drv.h>
#include <include/bios6_edma3_drv.h>
/* ========================================================================== */
/* ========================================================================== */
extern EDMA3_DRV_Handle hEdma;
extern HeapMem_Handle myHeap;
extern Semaphore_Handle Sem_Codec_ready;
/* ========================================================================== */
/* ========================================================================== */
* Buffers placed in external memory are aligned on a 128 bytes boundary.
* In addition, the buffer should be of a size multiple of 128 bytes for
* the cache work optimally on the C6x.
#define BUFLEN 512 /* number of samples in the frame */
#define BUFALIGN 128 /* alignment of buffer for use of L2 cache */
/** Number of serializers configured for record */
#define RX_NUM_SERIALIZER (2u)
#define TX_NUM_SERIALIZER (2u)
#define BUFSIZE (BUFLEN * sizeof(Ptr))
#define NUM_BUFS 2 /* Num Bufs to be issued and reclaimed */
static GIO_Handle inStream, outStream;
/* Function prototype */
static Void createStreams();
static Void prime();
Ptr buf[NUM_BUFS * 2];
Mcasp_HwSetupData mcaspRcvSetup = {
/* .rmask = */ 0xFFFFFFFF, /* All the data bits are to be used */
/* .rfmt = */ 0x000180F0, /*
* 1 bit delay from framsync
* MSB first
* No extra bit padding
* Padding bit (ignore)
* slot Size is 32
* Reads from DMA port
* NO rotation
/* .afsrctl = */ 0x00000111, /* 2-slot TDM (I2S mode) to 32-slot TDM,
* Frame sync is single word
* Falling edge is start of frame //notify
* externally generated frame sync
/* .rtdm = */ 0x00000003, /* slot 0 and slot 1 are active (DSP) */
/* .rintctl = */ 0x00000003, /* sync error and overrun error */
/* .rstat = */ 0x000001FF, /* reset any existing status bits */
/* .revtctl = */ 0x00000000, /* DMA request is enabled or disabled */
/* .aclkrctl = */ 0x00000000,
/* .ahclkrctl = */ 0x00008046,
/* .rclkchk = */ 0x00FF0008
} ;
Mcasp_HwSetupData mcaspXmtSetup = {
/* .xmask = */ 0xFFFFFFFF, /* All the data bits are to be used */
/* .xfmt = */ 0x000180F0, /*
* 1 bit delay from framsync
* MSB first
* No extra bit padding
* Padding bit (ignore)
* slot Size is 32
* Reads from DMA port
* NO rotation
/* .afsxctl = */ 0x00000111, /* 2-slot TDM (I2S mode) to 32-slot TDM,
* Frame sync is single word
* Falling edge is start of frame
* externally generated frame sync
/* .xtdm = */ 0x00000003, /* slot 0 and slot 1 are active (DSP) */
/* .xintctl = */ 0x00000007, /* sync error,overrun error,clK error */
/* .xstat = */ 0x000001FF, /* reset any existing status bits */
/* .xevtctl = */ 0x00000000, /* DMA request is enabled or disabled */
/* .aclkxctl = */ 0x000000C0, //0x00000080
/* .ahclkxctl = */ 0x00008046, //use internal AHCLKX and AHCLKX.The ACLKR,ACLKX,and two Frame clk are external.
/* .xclkchk = */ 0x00FF0008
/* McAsp channel parameters */
Mcasp_ChanParams mcasp_chanparam[2]=
0x0002, /* number of serialisers */
{Mcasp_SerializerNum_2,Mcasp_SerializerNum_3}, /* serialiser index */
TRUE, /* Is DMA Driven */
Mcasp_OpMode_TDM, /* Mode (TDM/DIT) */
2, /* number of TDM channels */
TRUE, /* Option to enable the Hardware FIFO */
TRUE //notify
0x0002, /* number of serialisers */
Mcasp_WordLength_32, /* word width */
2, /* number of TDM channels */
TRUE, /* Option to enable the Hardware FIFO */
TRUE //notify
* ======== createStreams ========
static Void createStreams()
printf("\r\nEntry the createStreams function. \n");
Error_Block eb;
GIO_Params ioParams;
mcasp_chanparam[0].edmaHandle = hEdma;
mcasp_chanparam[1].edmaHandle = hEdma;
ioParams.chanParams =&mcasp_chanparam[0];
ioParams.model = GIO_Model_ISSUERECLAIM;
inStream = GIO_create("/mcasp1", GIO_INPUT, &ioParams, &eb);
printf( "Stream_create(inStream) returned status = %d\n", Error_getCode(&eb));
ioParams.chanParams = &mcasp_chanparam[1];
ioParams.model = GIO_Model_ISSUERECLAIM;
outStream = GIO_create("/mcasp1", GIO_OUTPUT, &ioParams, &eb);
printf( "Stream_create(outStream) returned status = %d\n", Error_getCode(&eb));
* ======== prime ========
static Void prime()
printf("\r\nEntry the prime function. \n");
Error_Block eb;
Int32 count = 0;
IHeap_Handle iheap;
iheap = HeapMem_Handle_to_xdc_runtime_IHeap(myHeap);
/* Allocate buffers for the GIO buffer exchanges */
for(count = 0; count < (NUM_BUFS ); count ++)
buf[count] = Memory_calloc(iheap, BUFSIZE * RX_NUM_SERIALIZER, BUFALIGN, &eb);
if(NULL == buf[count])
printf("\r\nMEM_calloc failed.\n");
/* Allocate buffers for the SIO buffer exchanges */
for(count = NUM_BUFS; count < (NUM_BUFS * 2); count ++)
buf[count] = Memory_calloc(iheap, BUFSIZE * TX_NUM_SERIALIZER, BUFALIGN, &eb);
if(NULL == buf[count])
printf("\r\nMEM_calloc failed.\n");
/*Issue the first & second empty buffers to the input stream */
for(count = NUM_BUFS; count < (NUM_BUFS * 2); count ++)
if (IOM_PENDING != GIO_issue(outStream, buf[count], BUFSIZE * TX_NUM_SERIALIZER, NULL))
printf("\r\nFailed to issue the outStream %d empty buffer to stream\n",count);
for(count = 0; count < NUM_BUFS; count ++)
if (IOM_PENDING!= GIO_issue(inStream, buf[count], BUFSIZE * RX_NUM_SERIALIZER, NULL))
printf("\r\nFailed to issue the inStream %d empty buffer to stream\n",count);
printf("\r\nExit the prime function. \n");
* ======== echo ========
* This function copies from the input SIO to the output SIO. You could
* easily replace the copy function with a signal processing algorithm.
Void X3107_Mcasp_Task(UArg arg1, UArg arg2)
printf("\r\nEntry the X3107_Mcasp_Task \n");
if (Semaphore_getCount(Sem_Codec_ready) == 0)
printf("Waiting for CODEC ready.\n");
Semaphore_pend(Sem_Codec_ready, BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER);
printf("CODEC have already initialize.\n");
Ptr rcv = NULL;
Ptr xmt = NULL;
Int status = IOM_COMPLETED;
/* Call createStream function to create I/O streams */
/* Call prime function to do priming */
/* Forever loop to continously receviec and transmit audio data */
printf("\r\nNEXT:Entry the I/O operation.\n");
UInt count=0;
for (;;)
printf("\r\nThis is the %d loop before operation.\n",count);
/* Reclaim full buffer from the input stream */
status = GIO_reclaim(inStream, (Ptr *)&rcv, NULL, NULL);
/* Reclaim full buffer from the input stream */
if (status != IOM_COMPLETED)
printf("\r\nError reclaiming full buffer from the input stream\n");
/* Reclaim empty buffer from the output stream to be reused */
status = GIO_reclaim(outStream, (Ptr *)&xmt, NULL, NULL);
if (status != IOM_COMPLETED)
printf("\r\nError reclaiming empty buffer from the output stream\n");
/* copy the receive information to the transmit buffer */
memcpy(xmt,rcv,BUFSIZE * RX_NUM_SERIALIZER);
/* Issue full buffer to the output stream */
status = GIO_issue(outStream, xmt, BUFSIZE * TX_NUM_SERIALIZER, NULL);
if (status != IOM_PENDING)
printf("\r\nFailed to issue empty buffer to stream\n");
/* Issue an empty buffer to the input stream */
status = GIO_issue(inStream, rcv, BUFSIZE * RX_NUM_SERIALIZER, NULL);
if (status != IOM_PENDING)
printf("\r\nFailed to issue empty buffer to stream\n");
printf("\r\nThis is the %d loop after operation.\n",count++);
When it hungs up .The stats registers value are:
And some more Problems confusing me are it can running yesterday.I don't know how to do with it. Can someone help me !