I am developing software for C6000 DSP with CCS 5.3, using SYSBIOS and SYSLINK.
The build will eventually need to be done on the command line under Linux, integrated in a wider build environment.
Also, we will want to move the tools (including SYSBIOS) under source control (we use Clearcase).
If it wasn't for SYSBIOS, I could move under clearcase just the code generation tools (less than 100Mbytes) and build the application using makefiles.
For the SYSBIOS part, though, it looks like there isn't an easy way of doing a build on the command line outside of CCS.
Also the bios and xdctools directories seem quite unwieldy because of their size for our clearcase server; they contain all possible supported platforms. Could they be trimmed down?
So my question is: is there a way to do the two things I want, i.e.:
1) build SYSBIOS using makefiles
2) strip down the bios/xdctools/ipc directories to contain only my target so that I can get a minimal size.