I ported the host-driver (SP1.7) for the CC3000 module on the microcontroller LPC1765.
I try to burn SP1.10 and have problem with patch programmer 1.10.
Programm Patch Programmer IAR_DR_Patch stuck on write to nvmem Service Pack version P1.8.6.11 - Driver patches
while (ucStatus_Dr)
//writing driver patch to EEPRROM - PROTABLE CODE
// Note that the array itself is changing between the different Service Packs
ucStatus_Dr = nvmem_write_patch(NVMEM_WLAN_DRIVER_SP_FILEID, drv_length, wlan_drv_patch);
function nvmem_write_patch return error code (0x04):
unsigned char nvmem_write_patch(unsigned long ulFileId, unsigned long spLength, const unsigned char *spData)
unsigned char status = 0;
unsigned short offset = 0;
unsigned char* spDataPtr = (unsigned char*)spData;
while ((status == 0) && (spLength >= SP_PORTION_SIZE))
status = nvmem_write(ulFileId, SP_PORTION_SIZE, offset, spDataPtr);
offset += SP_PORTION_SIZE;
spLength -= SP_PORTION_SIZE;
if (status !=0) <----- status = 0x04 ERROR
// NVMEM error occured
return status;
if (spLength != 0)
// if reached here, a reminder is left
status = nvmem_write(ulFileId, spLength, offset, spDataPtr);
return status;
Now TiWI-SL not work. What i can do with it?
cc3000 patch programmer 1.10 problem