I am trying to do a linked QDMA transfers using EDMA LLD on C6678 to transfer some data from DDR3 to L2SRAM. I took the code from sample app. I have linked 8 QDMA channels together and trigger the transfer. Now, if I have to do the same set of 8 linked transfer again with no change in any parameters, what all parameters need to be written again the subsequent times?
I just tried to only write the trigger word (which is CCNT) in my case during subsequent transfers. The transfer did happen and interrupt got raised. However, it looked like only the last link in the transfer got the new data from DDR to L2 and rest of the links did not get any new data. I have ensured that I invalidate cache for L2 destination address before starting the next transfer.
But if I free the channel, request again and write all the parameters even in subsequent transfers, it works fine.
Can anyone please let me know if they have any info on which all parameters need to be written again in the case of subsequent QDMA transfers?