Hi all,
I'm using OMAP-L137 evm board.
Starting from example /src/DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP/DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP.pjt distributed with DSPLIB C674x v. 1.1,
I created a new project (attached) for testing purpose, but I don't understand why function returns a wrong fft result.
Project uses a reference function to compute twiddle array, the same included in the demostration app as suggested by http://wiki.davincidsp.com/index.php/C674x_DSPLIB#DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP_.28Mixed_Radix_Forward_FFT_with_Bit_Reversal.29
Any idea or suggestion?
PS: Project includes library and header file.