I changed the sine modulation code on the RDK-BLDC evaluation board to detect the angle with the encoder signals. After calulating the new duty cycle I use the function:
PWMSetDutyCycle(pulDutyCycles[0], pulDutyCycles[1], pulDutyCycles[2]);
The values are around 32768. (see Excel sheet)
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Input is the duty cycle from the speedcontroller (g_ulDutyCycle), PWM1-3 are the calucalted duty cycles ( pulDutyCycles[] )
If the value is above 32768 I need to set the duty cycle from the high side phase with this value, Is the value is below 32768, the low side phase shold be active. But when I measure the output with an oscilloscope, the high-side phase has always the same value and doesn't change like the sine in the excel. Is there some code missing or do I need to change the configuration of the PWM module? The motor is running at different speeds correctly, but the sine isn't on the phase.
I think I need a value of 10000 in the PWM register and not about 32768.
Did anyone have a solution or the same problem?
Regards, Dominik