I am working on porting GingerBread_2_3_4_DevKit_2_1 to our omap3530 board. I have Android booting and allowing me to access the "Music" app. I can use it to select and play some WAV files (44.1kHz stereo format) that I have put on my SD card--but I don't hear anything.
I can use the alsa_aplay and alsa_amixer commands that are in the Android filesystem to enable the "HeadsetR Mixer AudioR1" and "HeadsetL Mixer AudioL1" mixer elements and then play my WAV file, and I do hear the audio.
I noted that the deviceName() function in hardware/ti/omap3/modules/alsa/alsa_module.cpp expects the device name to be "default", so I confirmed that alsa_aplay would work with that specific device:
alsa_aplay -D default /sdcard/file.wav
I have run init.rc with a log level of 8, but there is no indication of any problem with audio or alsa.
Any suggestions on what might be wrong?
Thanks in advance,