I want to run multiple cores on the C6678 and am having issues running the examples. I downloaded the latest code provided by TI and build everything including the syslink and the examples. Everything build without errors. I am following the "readme" instructions in the syslink folder. The directions read:
To run notify kernel module sample, user has to run 2 samples
1. Telnet to board using target IP address. Start IPC by running
procmgr_load_<application>_<num_cores>_core.sh, where application can be
one of the several sample applications supported. num_cores=4 for C6670
and 8 for C6678.
For example for Notify application on C6678, execute
Do not press enter.
2) Run kernel module sample by executing notify_module_test_8_core.sh
I have questions:
- I do not understand what this is telling me to do. Should I run ./procmgr by entering the command or what?
- When I do try to run ./procmgr, I get an error message which I would not expect
sh: can't execute './procmgrapp_release': No such file or directory
rmmod syslink.ko
MessageQ kernel test module run is complete
- If I try to run ./messageq_app_test_8_core.sh linux running on the DSP crashes. The Idle led continues to blink, but TELNET is not responsive and pinging the DSP fails. There is nothing printed in the kernel logs.