Dear all,
I'm new in LM4F120. In these days I was working with the RGB Led and the StellarisWare's examples. It is all right.
My problems start when I begin a new project and I copy/paste a StellarisWare's example (for example "hello.c"). I think the new project doesn't correctly read the libraries (so, I should set up something bad).
I say this because the program returns (in this example) two errors ("#20 identifier "GPIO_PA0_U0RX" is undefined main.c" and "#20 identifier "GPIO_PA1_U0TX" is undefined main.c"). Like I have said, this is an example, but when I copy another source, the errors change.
My idea is to develop an I2C app to write info in a memory and before, to develop a "Hello World" shows in a Putty Terminal. But I can't use examples an its functions.
I write you the steps I am using to create a new project:
1. New: CCS Project
1.1. Name
1.2. ARM, Ste. LM4F120H5QR
1.3. Conn. Stellaris In-Circuit Debug Int.
1.4. Empty project with main.c
1.5. Finish
2. Project's properties:
2.1. ARM Compiler: Include Options: Add dir
2.1.1. "C:\ti\StellarisWare"
2.2. ARM Linker: File Search Path:Include library
2.2.1. "${workspace_loc:/driverlib-cm4f/Debug/driverlib-cm4f.lib}"
2.3. Ok
What is it wrong?
Thanks for your attention!
Best regards.