Are there any infomation about DDR Configuration Table Setting for ROM Bootloader?
ex. I can't understand about "config 2" field . DDR Controller has only one SDRAM Configuration Register (SDCFG).
I'm trying to configure DDR3 on ROM Bootloader while booting I2C Master Mode.
I build myProg.out and convert to myProg2.b (Ascii Hex file) , using hex6x.exe.
and, I manualy edit it ,and insert a DDR Confiiguration section between Entrypoint and first section of My Program.
This section's first DWORD named "Enable Bitmap" is set to "0x0000 0003" to set both PLL and SDRAM.
next, I continue convert MyProg.bin to MyProg.bin using lbl Utils (bconvert64, b2i2c, ,,romparse.etc..)
After tihs, Our board dosen't boot. and JTAG Connection is refused.
Simple myProg.bin (without DDR Configuration section) can bootup.
thank you