Dear E2E:
Thank you for your support.
1. I need to use EDMA for data transfer from McASP and SPI0.
2. I was able to setup EDMA for McASP and SPI0 - they run OK.
3. SPI0 has CLK rate of ~36.9MHz and set for 16-bit character length.
4. The 16-bit character need to be serviced by EDMA every ~0.434uS.
5. I can see that SPI0 EDMA readings became incorrect when McASP is serviced by EDMA simultaneously with SPI0.
6. McASP uses a FIFO which needs to be serviced by EDMA every 15.25uS.
7. That means - SPI0 (channel_14) must have the higher priority than McASP (channel_0).
8. But according to the UM, page 596 "for EDMA events, channel_0 has the highest priority and channel_31 has the lowest priority"
9. How can I change the channel_0 and channel_14 priority?
Thank you for your help,
Boris Ruvinsky