We are trying to generate 15-frame uniformed closed GOP by using two cores with the cfg below, but it does not seem to work. The log messages from our evm6678 is also listed at the end of this posting. We want to each GOP has the same length of 15, and starting with IDR, so we have gopStructure = 1, IDRFrameInterval = 1.
Is there anything wrong in our parameter settins? Is this combination of parameters supported?
# New Input File Format is as follows
# <ParameterName> = <ParameterValue> # Comment
# Files
InputFile = D:\Code\Dsp\TICodecs\TestVecs\Input\airshow_p352x288.yuv
EncodedFile = D:\Code\Dsp\TICodecs\TestVecs\Output\airshow_p352x288.264
#Default reference file in package is generated with single core configuration
ReferenceFile = D:\Code\Dsp\TICodecs\TestVecs\Reference\airshow_p352x288_ref.264
# Multicore Parameters
ncores = 2
CoreTeamMap = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
# ##########################################################################################
# Encoder Control
# ##########################################################################################
EncodingPreset = 3 # encoding preset 0: DEFAULT, 1: HIGH_QUALITY, 2: HIGH_SPEED, 3:USER_DEFINED
framesToEncode = 40 # Total number of frames to encode
MaxWidth = 640 # Max Frame width
MaxHeight = 480 # Max Frame height
MaxInterFrameInterval = 3 # I to P frame distance. 1 indicates no B frames. Value >1 indicates presence of B frames.
InputChromaFormat = 1 # 1 => XDM_YUV_420P, Only 1 is supported.
InputContentType = 0 # Input buffer content type, 0 -> Progressive Type, 1-> Interlaced.
Profile = 100 # Encoding profile 100 => HP, 77 => MP, 66 => BP.
Level = 40 # Level IDC (e.g. 20 = level 2.0)
inputWidth = 352 # width of image
inputHeight = 288 # Height of image
targetFrameRate = 30000 # Target frame rate in fps * 1000
targetBitRate = 1000000 # Target Bit Rate in Bits per second.
intraFrameInterval = 15 # Interval between two consecutive intra frames, 0 => Only first frame to be intra coded, 1 => All intra frames, N => One intra frame and N-1 inter frames, where N > 1
interFrameInterval = 3 # M: Number of (M-1) B frames between two reference frames. 1 indicates no B frame.
mvAccuracy = 2 # Pixel accuracy of the motion vector, 0 => integer pel 2=> quarter pel
generateHeader = 1 # 1: Encode only header, 0: Encode entire access unit, including the headers
forceFrame = -1 # -1: IVIDEO_NA_FRAME, 3: IVIDEO_IDR_FRAME
dataLayout = 0 # input data buffer layout 0=> interleaved, 1=> seprated. Only 0 is supported and applicable only for interlace content.
sampleAspectRatioHeight = 1 # Aspect Ratio Height
sampleAspectRatioWidth = 1 # Aspect Ratio Width
# ##########################################################################################
# Rate Control Params
# ##########################################################################################
rateControlParamsPreset = 1 # Preset value for selecting rate control params, 0: default (other parameters in this category will be decided by Codec internally), 1: user defined
rcAlgo = 0 # Rate control algorithm used, 0: Variable Bitrate, 1 : Constant bitrate (low dealy), 2: Constrained CBR (No Frame Skips)
qpI = -1 # Initial QP for I/IDR frames, -1 indicates codec chosen
qpP = -1 # Initial QP for P frames
qpOffsetB = 4 # Offset of B frames QP from P frames
qpMaxI = 51 # Maximum QP for I/IDR frames
qpMinI = 1 # Minimum QP for I/IDR frames
qpMaxP = 51 # Maximum QP for P frames
qpMinP = 1 # Minimum QP for P frames
qpMaxB = 51 # Maximum QP for B frames
qpMinB = 1 # Minimum QP for B frames
CbQPIndexOffset = 0 # Specifies offset to be added to luma QP for addressing QPC values table for Cb components
CrQPIndexOffset = 0 # Specifies offset to be added to luma QP for addressing QPC values table for Cr components
initialBufferLevel = 2000000 # Initial Buffer level for HRD compliance, keep same as HRDBufferSize for best quality
HRDBufferSize = 2000000 # Hypothetical Reference Decoder Buffer Size in bits - 2*bitrate for VBR
enablePRC = 1 # Control Flag to enable MB level Perceptual Rate Control, 0 => Disable, 1 => Enable
frameSkipAfterSceneChange = 1 # 0=> no forced skip after scenechange, 1 => force skip frame after coding scene change frame.
scalingMatrixPreset = 0 # Scaling Matrix selection of encoder, 0: no scaling matrices, 1: normal, 2: noisy, 3 : standard default, 4 : user defined
# InterCoding Control
interCodingPreset = 1 # Inter coding mode preset, 0 => deafult values, 1 => user defined
MvRangeVerP = 32 # Vertical Motion Vector Range for P frames in integer pixels, Range supported is 16 to 496
MvRangeHorP = 144 # Horizontal Motion Vector Range for P frames in integer pixels, Range supported is 16 to 496
MvRangeVerB = 32 # Vertical Motion Vector Range for B frames in integer pixels, Range supported is 16 to 496
MvRangeHorB = 144 # Horizontal Motion Vector Range for B frames in integer pixels, Range supported is 16 to 496
maxMVperMB = 4 # Maximum MV per MB (Values of 1 & 4 are valid)
# ##########################################################################################
# IntraCoding Control
# ##########################################################################################
intraCodingPreset = 1 # Intra coding mode preset, 0 => deafult values, 1 => user defined
intraRefreshMethod = 0 # IH264_INTRAREFRESH_NONE = 0, IH264_INTRAREFRESH_CYCLIC_MBS = 1
intraRefreshRate = 0 # Rate at which intra MB Refresh is done. e.g. 10 indicates every 10th MB will coded as Intra in inter pictures.
constrainedIntraPredEnable = 0 # Controls the intra macroblock coding in inter slices
# ##########################################################################################
# Entropy Coding Mode
# ##########################################################################################
entropyCodingMode = 1 # Enropy coding type, (0 => CAVLC, 1 => CABAC)
# ##########################################################################################
# Slice Mode Configuration
# ##########################################################################################
sliceCodingPreset = 0 # Preset value for slice coding mode, 0 => deafult values, 1 => user defined
streamFormat = 0 # Type of bitstream to be encoded. Only value 0 is supprted (Byte stream format)
sliceMode = 0 # Type of slice coding, 0 => slice coding mode is frame based, 1 => Slices are controlled based upon number of Macroblocks
sliceUnitSize = 1200 # Number of macroblocks per slice
# ##########################################################################################
# Loop Filter Control
# ##########################################################################################
loopfilterPreset = 1 # Preset value for loop filter operation parameters, 0 => default values, 1 => user defined
loopfilterDisableIDC = 2 # Disable H.264 loop filter, (0=Filter, 1= NoFilter, 2 = No loop filter across slices)
filterOffsetA = 0 # Alpha offset for loop filter
filterOffsetB = 0 # Beta offset for loop filter
# ##########################################################################################
# VUI Control Params
# ##########################################################################################
vuiCodingPreset = 1 # Preset value for VUI Control Params, 0 => deafult values, 1 => user defined
aspectRatioInfoPresentFlag = 1 # Controls the insertion of aspect ratio information in VUI part of bit-stream
aspectRatioIdc = 1 # Aspect ratio ID
videoSignalTypePresentFlag = 0 # controls the insertion of video signal type in VUI part of bit-stream
videoFormat = 2 # Video signal type
videoFullRangeFlag = 0 # Flag to specigy Range of the pixels
colourDescriptionPresentFlag = 1 # Specifies whether colour_primaries, transfer_characteristics and matrix_coefficients are present or not.
colourPrimaries = 5 # chromaticity coordinates of the source primaries(Table E-3 in standard)
transferCharacteristics = 5 # opto-electronic transfer characteristic of the source picture(Table E-4 in standard)
matrixCoefficients = 5 # matrix coefficients used in deriving Y,Cb,Cr signals from the G,B,R primaries(Table E-5 in standard)
timingInfoPresentFlag = 1 # Controls the insertion of timing info related parameters in VUI part of bit-stream
gopStructure = 1 # GOP structure, 0 => Open or Non uniform(IBBPBBP), 1 => Closed or Uniform (BBIBBPBB)
log2MaxFNumMinus4 = 0 # sliceParams::frame_num syntax element will be reset after every (1<< (log2MaxFNumMinus4 + 4)) frames
picOrderCountType = 0 # Picture order count type
IDRFrameInterval = 1 # Interval b/w two IDR frames 0=>IDR BBP I BBP I, 1=>IDR BBP IDR BBP IDR, 2=>IDR BBP I BBP IDR, 3=>IDR BBP I BBP I BBP IDR
transformBlockSize = 1 # Tranform type, 0:4x4 only, 1: 8x8 only
topFieldFirstFlag = 1 # Flag to indicate field order in interlaced content
interlaceCodingType = 4 # Interlced field coding type selection, 2 => MRF 3=> ARF 4=> SPF
DebugTraceLevel = 0 # Debug trace Enable 0 - Disable, 1- Level1, 2 - Level2, 3 - Level3,
lastNFramesToLog = 5 # Last N frames to log into debug trace buffer
[C66xx_0] ---------------------------------------------------------
[C66xx_0] Test Case Number : 1
[C66xx_0] ---------------------------------------------------------
[C66xx_1] ---------------------------------------------------------
[C66xx_1] Test Case Number : 1
[C66xx_1] ---------------------------------------------------------
[C66xx_0] Config File : D:\Code\Dsp\TICodecs\TestVecs\Config\encoder.cfg
[C66xx_0] Input YUV : D:\Code\Dsp\TICodecs\TestVecs\Input\airshow_p352x288.yuv
[C66xx_0] Output Stream : D:\Code\Dsp\TICodecs\TestVecs\Output\airshow_p352x288.264
[C66xx_1] ShmemTab initialized on Core 1
[C66xx_0] ShmemTab initialized on Core 0
[C66xx_0] Algorithm Instance Creation for the Module DEV.100.V.H264HP.E.C66X. Done...
[C66xx_1] Algorithm Instance Creation for the Module DEV.100.V.H264HP.E.C66X. Done...
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Given number of frames are encoded
[C66xx_0] ******** Request to END H264 Encoder ********
[C66xx_1] ******** Request to END H264 Encoder ********
----------------- log messages -----------
[C66xx_0] ---------------------------------------------------------
[C66xx_0] Test Case Number : 1
[C66xx_0] ---------------------------------------------------------
[C66xx_0] gopStructure(1 -> 1)
[C66xx_1] ---------------------------------------------------------
[C66xx_1] Test Case Number : 1
[C66xx_1] ---------------------------------------------------------
[C66xx_1] gopStructure(1 -> 1)
[C66xx_0] Config File : D:\Code\Dsp\TICodecs\TestVecs\Config\encoder.cfg
[C66xx_0] Input YUV : D:\Code\Dsp\TICodecs\TestVecs\Input\airshow_p352x288.yuv
[C66xx_0] Output Stream : D:\Code\Dsp\TICodecs\TestVecs\Output\airshow_p352x288.264
[C66xx_1] ShmemTab initialized on Core 1
[C66xx_0] ShmemTab initialized on Core 0
[C66xx_0] Algorithm Instance Creation for the Module DEV.100.V.H264HP.E.C66X. Done...
[C66xx_1] Algorithm Instance Creation for the Module DEV.100.V.H264HP.E.C66X. Done...
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Started Reading Frame : 0.......
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] #NA : IVIDEO_NA_FRAME : Bits : 256
[C66xx_0] Given number of frames are encoded
[C66xx_0] ******** Request to END H264 Encoder ********
[C66xx_1] ******** Request to END H264 Encoder ********