Part Number:LAUNCHXL-CC2650
though I have read some threads dealing with similar problems here, the simple_eddystone example doesn t work on my launchpad cc2650.
I got the CCS project from github like described in the application notes ( )
First I tried the branch later the tag like mentioned in brackets.
I use CCS 6.2.0 and I have downloaded compiler version 5.2.6 afterwards.
I ve installed ble_sdk_2_02_01_18 together with TI-RTOS
Afterwards I copied the following files from the github zip file to the ble_sdk folder
Eddystone Beacon:
Build works (no errors and no warnings).
But while debugging the application I noticed that it s caught in an infinite loop at 0x1001bbd8 or something like that.
I tried to increase the stack size like mentioned in e2e (but there were various definitions along the project - not sure that I ve modified the correct ones)
result: get caught at another position ... but still no beacon detectable by eddystone validator neither beacon scanner app
Connection to target verified and ok. SmartRF Flash Programmer works too. Hardware seems to be correct set up ... but the example does not switch leds on, doesn´t it ?
What could be wrong. Does the example run on your device. If true can you send your project as a zip file to me ?
Best regards,