Part Number:TUSB544
We use TUSB544 to realize USB redriver,
If we connect USB disk of USB3.0 and use type C to charge the system, TUSB544 did not work normally.
And we check the registers about TUSB544, we find these registers are changed, showed the below information:
Initialized registers:
0x0a = 0x18
0x0b = 0x00
0x0c = 0x60
0x10 = 0x99
0x11 = 0x99
0x12 = 0x00
0x13 = 0x00
0x20 = 0x22
0x21 = 0xff
0x22 = 0x04
0x23 = 0x03
Abnormal registers:
0x0a = 0x01
0x0b = 0x00
0x0c = 0x00
0x10 = 0x88
0x11 = 0x88
0x12 = 0x00
0x13 = 0x10
0x20 = 0xaa
0x21 = 0xaa
0x22 = 0x00
0x23 = 0x00
Could you give some suggestions about TUSB544's issue?
Best regards
Luck Wu