Part Number:TMS320DM8148
We are using DVRRDK4 on DM8148.
Our usecase needs Interlace Video(PAL) Encoding and decoding. We are able to do Interlace encoding, write to H.264 file. The encoding is proper, VLC is able to decode it. Video is also fine. But when we give the encoded video to decoder, decode it and display we are facing a issue. The video is moving up and down by 2,3 lines. The video keeps on moving up and down.
To identify whether it is decoder issue or display issue, we have written the decoded YUV in to a file. We are playing it using YUV viewer. It also moving up and down rapidly. Hence it is a decoding issue.
It seems like some wrong interpretation of Odd and Even lines is causing this issue.
We have set process call in decoder parameter to field level only.
decPrm.chCreateParams[0].processCallLevel = VDEC_FIELDLEVELPROCESSCALL;
Should I set any more parameters in decoder ?
Pranay kumar