I downloaded the CC256x_MSP430_Bluetopia_SDK_v1-3_Setup file and installed it. I'm working with the MSP430F6736 though. I remapped all the configuration files to how we have it wired but it keeps hanging in this line on the main thread
if((Result = InitializeApplication(&HCI_DriverInformation, &BTPS_Initialization)) > 0)
After some testing I managed to find out that void BTPSAPI BTPS_Delay(unsigned long MilliSeconds) was not exiting the loop as the timer is not triggering, I still can't get the timer to trigger the interrupts. So I replaced the code in there with a loop to cause a delay and the com configuration is working now but it's still hanging.
Anyone managed to try to get it working with that processor? Does it even work with F6736?